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More Quotes

  • Clement Attlee:
  • Clement Attlee:
  • Howard Zinn:
  • Aneurin Bevan:
  • Governments don't ask themselves "what can we do that is good for the people?". They ask themselves "how do we persuade people that what we want to do is good for them?". The task of both politicians and the corporate press is to convince us that what is good for billionaires is good for everyone but billionaires. — George Monbiot
  • An economic war is being fought here. Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle to the rich at stupefying speed and on a stupefying scale. The financial sector seeks to wring every drop from the productive economy, heedless of the eventual impacts. The government is there to help. — George Monbiot
  • A Society Whose Citizens Refuse To See And Investigate The Facts, Who Refuse To Believe That Their Government And Their Media Will Routinely Lie to Them And Fabricate A Reality Contrary To Verifiable Facts, Is A Society That Chooses And Deserves The Police State Dictatorship It's Going To Get. — Ian Williams Goddard
  • One cannot avoid politics; if you try to, it will find you. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. Language is a political issue, and slovenly use of language and cliches make it easier for those in power to deliberately use misleading language to hide unpleasant political facts. — Politics and the English Language, George Orwell, 1946

In The Stocks

In The Spotlight

CSS text shadows:

Capitalism in the 21st Century

Most people agree that capitalism has been more productive than any other economic system the world has tried. Alas, a side-effect is that benefits fall disproportionately to the rich, giving rise to persistent material and social divides. A quick look at The Times Rich List instantly shows how much wealth has become concentrated in the hands of very few.
Since forever, philosophers have enjoyed playing with ideas; and unfortunately some of them get put into practice instead of being binned. In the late 1930s, two men came along: Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, the unholy parents of what we now call neoliberalism. To cut a long story very short, some very wealthy people saw these ideas as a golden opportunity to become even richer; they founded and funded organisations to promote the concept of neoliberalism. Universities were financed, think-tanks funded, and politicians backed, but it didn't really take off until the 1970s economic crises struck.
Stagflation (rising inflation but falling output), rising house prices (deregulation of the mortgage market), the 3-day working week, oil price shock, the growth of credit... by 1973, inflation was at 20%. The fundamental reason was oil prices - oil had become part of our economy; we took it for granted that it would always be there, and always be cheap - but the 1973 oil crisis changed all that.
By 1976, the UK had to ask the IMF for a bailout, but inflation continued. The govt tried to impose wage caps on the public sector, which led to massive unrest. The Winter of Discontent came and went. Then Margaret Thatcher was elected, and lost no time putting neoliberalism to work.
Slashing public sector spending helped a bit, but manufacturing output went through the floor, and unemployment through the roof to 50%. Deregulation was the order of the day, particularly in the Finance sector, laying the foundation for the 2008/9 financial crisis. Meanwhile, Thatcher ensured her next election victory by promising the rich even more privatisation, and bribing Labour voters with the Council house sell-off.
Capitalism, at its heart, is about each person working to benefit themselves as much as possible. Without regulation to ensure that these benefits do not come at the expense of others, capitalism changes into something completely different. Thatcher, and successive governments, have cut regulation to the bone, delivering the economy we have today.
We live in an environment where monopoly is the norm; where a very few, very large companies completely dominate each marketplace: the Big Four accounting firms; the Big Six energy firms, the Big Three Pharma firms, and so on. Many people do not realise the extent to which capitalism has become monopolised and dominated by the financial sector, and the degree to which the state and these monopolies are intertwined - and this entanglement is the most dangerous aspect of all, because it strangles democracy – governments serve corporations, not citizens.
The next stage that lies ahead is where Big Busine$$, having achieved monopoly positions in the most important market sectors, fuses with the government system. A kind of financial oligarchy or conglomerate results, where the aim of government officials is to provide the social and legal framework within which giant corporations can operate most effectively. This is pretty much what we've got today – everyone's heard of the revolving door, where politicians slip in and out of office, returning to business; where politicians meet with corporations, but not citizens. We are no longer shocked at corruption, money under the table, or fraud. Government is hand in glove with business. State monopoly capitalism is the main Marxist–Leninist theory.
The irony is how hysterical people get about Labour being Marxist, when in fact it is the neoliberal agenda of right-wing governments who are delivering a Marxist-Leninist outcome. Right to our door.

Politics (UK)

Separation of Powers

Government (Executive)

The Public Sector

1. Public Finance

Taxation (UK)

  • Types of Taxation
    • Transfer Tax
      • Currency Transaction Tax
      • Inheritance Tax
      • Stamp Duty
    • Income Tax
  • Taxation in England
  • Taxation in Scotland
  • Taxation in Wales
  • Corporate Taxation in the UK
  • Tax Avoidance (UK)
  • Tax Evasion in the UK
  • Tax Resistance in the UK
  • Local Taxation in the UK
    • Local Taxation in England
    • Local Taxation in Scotland
    • Local Taxation in Wales
    • Rates in the United Kingdom
  • National Insurance
  • Value-Added Tax in the UK

2. Public Policy

W:Public policy + W:Public policy in the UK, W:Categ:Public Sectors, W:Public finance,

Education Policy

  • Education (UK)

Energy Policy

Environmental Policy

Fishing Policy

Health Policy

Housing Policy

Justice Policy

Gov.ukW:Ministry of Justice + W:Ministry of Justice UK

Migration Policy

  • Nationalisation Policy,

Privatisation Policy

Security Policy

Transport Policy

Public Policy Research

Ethics in Politics

Wikipedia: Ethics > Issues in Ethics > Corruption, W:C:Corruption, Corruption


Society, W:Categ:Society

Social Issues

W:C:Social Issues

  1. Social Inequality / Economic Problems, W:C:Social Inequality, W:C:Economic problems
    1. Economic Inequality, W:C:Ecnomic inequality, W:Economic inequality
      1. Distribution of Wealth, W:C:Distribution of Wealth
        1. Wealth Concentration, W:C:Wealth Concentration
        2. Land Enclosure
        3. Homelessness, W:C:Homelessness
        4. Hunger, W:Hunger, W:C:Hunger
        5. Poverty, W:C:Poverty
    2. Social Inequality
  2. Environmental Issues, W:C:Environmental issues
    1. Flora + Fauna
    2. Animal Welfare
    3. Human Diet
    4. Population Density
    5. Blood Sports
      1. Hunting
      2. Fox Hunting
  3. Human Rights, W:C:Human Rights > W:C:Human Rights by Issue
    1. Privacy, W:C:Privacy
    2. Data Retention
    3. Information Privacy, W:C:Information privacy
    4. Mass Surveillance, W:CCTV
    5. Freedom of Speech
    6. Civil Rights and Liberties {FoE, FoI, FoR}
    7. Equal Pay
  4. Food Politics, W:Food politics, W:C:Food politics
    1. Genetic engineering and agriculture, W:C:Genetic engineering and agriculture
    2. Genetically modified organisms in agriculture W:C:Genetically modified organisms in agriculture, Truth about GMOs explained, InfomaticFilms
    3. Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
  5. Global Issues, W:C:Global issues
    1. Global Environmental Issues, W:C:Global environmental issues]
    2. Human Overpopulation, W:C:Human overpopulation
    3. Mass surveillance, W:C:Mass surveillance


Social Change

W:C:Social Change

  1. Activism, W:C:Activism by issue
    1. Anti-Corruption, W:C:Anti-Corruption Activism
      1. Anti-Corruption Measures: Accountability, Transparency, Whistleblowing
      2. Anti-Corruption Activists: Transparency International, Corruption Watch
  2. Social Movements
  • How to be an effective campaigner with the Lobbying Act rules in place. Here's our five top tips on how to understand the #LobbyingAct and work out what you CAN do in your #charity campaign, @CampaignsUK
    • Freedom To Campaign Guide According to research undertaken by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation charities are campaigning less than they used to since the Lobbying Act was introduced. Almost half of charity communicators don’t understand the Lobbying Act rules. Campaign Collective

The Economy

Invention of the Economy

Measuring Economic Activity

Payment Systems


The Private Sector Examples of the Private Sector

Property > Property Market

Industry >> Major Industries

Service Industries

United Kingdom

  • Norther Ireland
  • Scotland
  • Wales

Other Countries

Not Yet Categorised


  • Modern Slavery

Trade Unions


Political Concepts